Sunday, August 23, 2009


By courtesy of life support system.

We all want to be appreciated. We like being valued for what we do
and who we are.

American football coach Bum Phillips lives in a world where one can
become a hero or a heel in an amazingly short time. One mediocre
season and a coach, even a good one, can be out of a job. Like
Phillips once said, "There's only two kinds of coaches -- them that's
been fired and them that's about to be fired." Sounds like they might
want to make friends with rejection.

Few things hold people back more than the fear of rejection. They
don't ask for what they need because the answer may be no. They don't
ask their boss for a raise or for more time off. They don't ask for
help. They are afraid to be the first to say "I love you" (what if
they don't hear "I love you" back?). They don't ask for a better deal
or a lower interest rate. They don't submit that manuscript to a
publisher. In short, they don't let their wants and needs be known,
for fear of being turned away, turned down or turned out.

But the wonderful truth is this: If you can accept NO for an answer,
you can ask for anything. ANYTHING. When no is an acceptable and okay
answer to what you'd like, you can fearlessly ask for whatever you

I love the expression, "I'm just putting it out there." Just put it
out there. Ask. And don't worry about the response. Nobody can say YES
if you never asked. Just put it out there and don't be afraid -- you
may be surprised at the answer you get. Sometimes people just need to
be asked. And if you don't get the response you want, are you any
worse off than before?
Hey -- I'm just putting it out there.

I leave you with these words of wisdom from Thomas Dreier.
The world is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what you are. If you are loving, if you are friendly, if you are helpful, the world will prove loving and friendly and helpful to you. The world is what you are.
I watched a beautiful and powerful presentation that really touched me and I want to share it with you. I'm sure you'll enjoy the breathtaking images and the inspiring message.
You can check it out here: ,
This inspirational message is as timely today as it was when first written.

Enjoy your day,

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